The park is very, very, very fun
The merry-go-round goes
Round round round
Hurry hurry hurry
I want to ride
“Don’t cut in line!”
The park is very, very, very fun
The bumper car goes
Bam bam bam
Juice juice juice
I want some juice
“No drinks allowed!”
The park is very, very, very fun
The ferris wheel goes
High, high, high
Jump jump jump
I want to jump
“Jumping is dangerous!”
The park is very, very, very fun
The roller coaster goes
Fast fast fast
No, no, no
I don’t like safety belts
“Wear the safety belt!”
“That looks fun!”
The park is very, very, very big
Mommy, daddy
I am lost
I am scared to be alone
“Mom! Dad!”
“There you are!”
“Don’t wander off alone"
“Always hold my hand”