Carry on
Song by
Simp_le mind_ed brain
for now you suc_cumb
changes your way
This world
in_sists to be the same
based on our mis_takes
The flo_wers
fade a_long the road
Don't blind fold
your eyes
so lone_li_ness
be_comes the law
of a sense_less life
Fol_low your steps
and you will find
The un_known ways are
on your mind
Need no_thing else
than just our pride
to get there@
Now we have to
face a_no_ther day
You won't be a_lone
This life is
forc_ing us to stay
For how long
Cold is the wind
and thun_der struck
on a stor_my night
But can't you see
I'm your side
We are mar_ching on
Fol_low your steps
and you will find
The un_known ways are
on your mind
Need no_thing else
than just our pride
to get there
So car_ry on
There's a
mean_ing to life
Which some_day
we may find
Car_ry on
it's time to for_get
The re_mains
from the past
to car_ry on@
Fol_low your steps
and you will find
The un_known ways are
on your mind
Need no_thing else
than just our pride
to get there
So car_ry on
There's a
mean_ing to life
Which some_day
we may find
Car_ry on
it's time to for_get
The re_mains
from the past
So car_ry on
There's a
mean_ing to life
Which some_day
we may find
Car_ry on
it's time to for_get
The re_mains
from the past
Car_ry on
it's time to for_get
The re_mains
from the past
to car_ry on
Re_mains from the past
to car_ry on
Re_mains from the past@