Future Idol 억G is the back
Future Idol 조G is the back
Future Idol 억G is the back
Future Idol 조G is the back
뼈 is bone Bone bone is 뼈뼈
뼈 is bone Bone bone is 뼈뼈
Bone is 뼈 뼈뼈 is bone bone
Bone is 뼈 뼈뼈 is bone bone
손목과 발목과 뒷목 늑골 쇄골과 두개골
팔꿈치 앞꿈치 뒤꿈치 경추 흉추와 요추
상악 하악 손가락 발가락 발등 발목 무릎
골반 가슴 어깨 팔뚝 손목
이건 뭐지?
뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 (뼈긴한데)
뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 뼈뼈뼈뼈 (뻐근한데)
뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 (피곤한데)
뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 뼈뼈뼈뼈
이건 뭔데?
뼈 is bone Bone bone is 뼈뼈
뼈 is bone Bone bone is 뼈뼈
Bone is 뼈 뼈뼈 is bone bone
Bone is 뼈 뼈뼈 is bone bone
wrist ankle and neck
ribs clavicle and skull
elbow teep toe and heel
cervical thoracic lumbar
face finger and toe foot ankle knee pelvis chest shoulder arm wrist
what is this?
뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 (뼈긴한데)
뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 뼈뼈뼈뼈 (뻐근한데)
뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 (피곤한데)
뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 뼈뼈뼈뼈 (이건뭔데?)
너는 누구야 손등 앞에 넌 이름이 뭐야
뭐라고 할까 뼈
뼈 is bone bone bone is 뼈뼈
뼈 is bone bone bone is 뼈뼈
bone is 뼈 뼈뼈 is bone bone
bone is 뼈 뼈뼈 is bone bone
뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 (뼈긴한데)
뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 뼈뼈뼈뼈 (뻐근한데)
뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 (피곤한데)
뼈뼈뼈뼈뼈 뼈뼈뼈뼈 (이건뭔데?)
Future 아이돌 억G is the back
Future 아이돌 조G is the back
Future 아이돌 억G is the @#!$
Future 아이돌 조G is the back
억G is the back 조G억G back