어느 여름밤 사랑하는 남녀에게
마법같은 일이 벌어지거든
one midnight su-mmer at mid-night
when eve-ry one sleep
a ma-gi -cal twin-kle of
the great love came true
ma - gi - cal twin-kle
of true love
the ve - ry ture love
the ma - giㅊ that can change e -
very thing in the world
one mid - night su-mmer at mid-night
the ma - gic came ture
and un - be -li - va-ble things
hap-pend all the way can you see
the love the twin kle
the ma - gi - cal love
the love that can do a - ny - thing
for you and me
open your eyes and see the world
the world-full of love
and ha - ppi ness
thing can stop the love you see
the one and on - ly love
at mid night summer
can you see the love the twin -kle
the ma - gi - cal love the love
infront of you and me
right not to - night
you are all wel-come to our world
the ma-gi-cal world
where eve-ry thing is po - ssi-ble
for you and me