A little lamb, this little lamb!
This little baby lamb!
The baby lamb is playing.
Play, play!
Play, play!
Point, flex
Point, flex
En haut
One, two, three, four, five!
A little lamb, this little lamb!
This little baby lamb!
The baby lamb is stretching.
Spread your legs.
Stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch.
The other side!
Stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch.
I feel good!
Run, run, run!
Off he goes!
Fast, fast, fast!
When he runs,
he runs so, so fast!
Yeah! baby lamb.
The baby lamb is running.
Everybody run!
A little lamb, this little lamb!
This little baby lamb!
The baby lamb is kicking.
Go on all fours!
Are you ready to kick? One, two, three, four!
Kick, kick, kick, kick!
The other side!
Kick, kick, kick, kick!
Stand up!
The baby lamb is jumping.
Boing, boing, boing, boing!
The baby lamb is jumping.
Jumping, jumping, jumping!
Lovely baby lamb
Lovely baby lamb
He’s such a lovely baby lamb.
La la la la baby lamb!
Passé, balance!
One, two, three, four, five!
Great job!